Christy Biehl
Media Director
Contact at soullux@godsquadchurch.com
Yo! I'm Christy aka SoulLux. I have always enjoyed the nerd world full of films, anime, and games. I love a good storyline with characters that start to feel like friends. I have also been in pursuit my whole life of a deeper relationship with my King, Jesus, striving to live life for Him.
Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Film, Television & Radio from Biola University in 2010, I desired to create my own stories that pointed to God. I interned at an anime dubbing studio and gave my voice/scream to the game Dante's Inferno, a very small part (lol). For two years I worked in Hollywood on some incredibly random film sets like Mega Shark Vs. Crocosaurus, before realizing I was lost in fantasy and needed to come back to reality.
I moved back home to Denver, CO to be with family and pursue Jesus Christ. God blessed me with a position as the Communications Director with an awesome church team for nine years, where I grew a huge passion for God and reaching others for His Kingdom. I always loved being creative so God gave me a talent for videography, photography, and graphic design.
One of my greatest gifts from God is my husband Dan (Jesterfoot). We've been on an incredible marriage adventure since 2014. Dan was born without a right hand or left foot but nothing stops this stud! Some of our interests include D&D, League of Legends, Fullmetal Alchemist, being outside and in the water, camping, kayaking, biking, photography, and cosplay. We both love music, I play the piano and Dan plays guitar. This year we are excited for our new adventure in becoming parents as our first baby girl is on the way!
I am incredibly honored to now work for GSC to try and help further God's Kingdom and make Jesus famous in the gamer world. I have a huge heart for people and specifically nerds/geeks, they be my peeps. For me, the most important things in this world are worshiping God and having relationships with people. With my free time, I will always prioritize hanging out with others, spreading joy, having fun, and sharing smiles.