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Pastor AJ

Associate Pastor

Contact at


Pastor AJ grew up in ministry and has been serving God since he was a teenager. With an avid love for gaming and reaching young people for God, he hosted LAN games and events that brought young people together in Ireland to hear the Word of God all while doing their favorite thing Gaming!


Pastor AJ spent 21 years in Ireland as a missionary and helped pioneer and establish a church, where he served as Associate Pastor, youth ministry Pastor and pioneered a youth ministry with young people who are passionate for the things of God. While in Ireland he met his wife Donna, they have two children, Isabelle & Sienna. In 2018 Pastor AJ felt God call him back to the U.S. Pastor AJ is a graphic designer and has many years of designing and creating content for many websites & churches and prefers to use

his gifts for the furtherance of God’s kingdom. Pastor AJ came across SouzyLIVE’s stream and GSC a few years ago and fell in love with the mission and has dedicated his life and gifts to reaching the hurting young people of this world with a message of hope that God loves GAMERS!!

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